Friday, October 7, 2011

No Peace For Predators

Make no mistake.  This world has no place for anyone who would sexually abuse a child.  Child rape should be punished with whatever society deems to be the ultimate penalty.  If that ultimate penalty is death, then so be it.  Child rapists are cowards who prey on the weak.  They are bullies of the worst sort, and should be dealt with accordingly.

Their apologists have no place in civilized society either.  Even wild animals protect their young.  How can we not do the same?

Our politicians and civil servants must be held accountable to a new and improved standard.  No person should be allowed to serve in a position of authority in this society if they will not serve with a righteous respect for the safety of our children.  The U.S. Supreme Court has acknowledged a "compelling state interest" in protecting children.  Judges, sheriffs, mayors, governors, presidents, and any other civil servant must act in accordance with this compelling interest.  The future of our society depends on it.

And, so does the safety of the pedophile.  The international 24 hour news cycle now inundates us with stories of the heinous acts this human filth are capable of committing.  Society could snap under this pressure at some point , and aim its wrath in an uncontrolled manner on these vermin.  For their own safety, they should be locked up for life until the time that the courts realize that there are indeed crimes other than murder that warrant the ultimate penalty.

Pedophiles who make the choice to victimize innocent children to satisfy their own sociopathic sexual desires are sub human.  They are an anomaly that must be eradicated.  Citizens, for the safety of our children, must rise up and demand justice.  This time of focus on the rights of the criminal is waning, and the rights of the people to remain free of victimization is on the rise.  Law enforcement has new tools and knowledge to combat child pornography.  Those who view these disgusting images for their own sexual gratification create a market for those who rape children in order to produce these images.

This is not a witch hunt.  This is not advocating vigilantism.  This is advocating vigilance.  Pedophiles and their supporters will do all they can to twist and turn arguments away from the real issue, which is the safety of kids.  The ballot is stronger than the bullet.  Not that bullets do not work.  But, they are a short term solution to a problem that deserves effective long term solutions.  The answers we seek will only be found when we right the ship, when we change course according to a truly moral compass.

Don't allow the pedos among us to continue to threaten our society.  Stay vigilant.  They are not the dirty old man in the run down house, or the vagrant who lives in the van down by the river.  They are your neighbors, and your relatives.  They are people who have earned your trust in order to gain access to your children.  These animals must be held accountable.  The sentences they are currently receiving are simply insufficient to protect our families.

It is time to act.  NOW.  Question your legislators in town hall discussions on what they think needs to be done to further protect our kids.  Hold the judges in your area accountable through merit retention.  Any judge who shows compassion to a child rapist deserves to lose their job.  Any prosecutor who fails to do due diligence in bringing these animals to justice must be thrown out of office.  And anyone else who, for what ever reason, chooses to defend the right of pedophiles to victimize children must be made to understand the errors in their thoughts and actions.

Sex crimes against children have life long consequences.  The perpetrators of these acts must have life long consequences as well.  There is no reason why they should be allowed to live care free while their victims continue to suffer.  There is no sentence that sufficiently allows a pedo to pay their debt to society in full, save lifelong imprisonment or better.  Child sexual predators deserve no peace, and they shall have none.